A lot of people may be resistant to therapy because of preconceived notions and outdated beliefs that seeking help is a sign of mental weakness–but there is inherent strength in admitting when you need an intervention. And as many say, the hardest part of therapy is actually showing up.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not necessarily have to experience an earth-shattering, life changing event to see a psychologistalthough many people also do. But the thing is, you should treat your mental health the way you would your physical health, as the two reinforce one another. Talking to a professional on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do to ensure that you look after yourself holistically through mind-body wellness.

If you’re lost with how to begin your journey into therapy, read on for some signs that it’s time to see a psychologist.

Relationship issues

Mental health struggles may make it difficult for you to build and maintain relationships. In turn, you may feel even more frustrated and alone. In many cases, however, it’s natural for you to withdraw from your relationships when you do not understand what it is that you feel. Working with a psychologist can help you sort through any communication barriers you might have, and assist you in naming your feelings to get to the bottom of your issues.


Everyone deals with grief differently, especially when you come to realize that grief doesn’t just connote death. You can grieve the end of a relationship, big life changes and transitions, newfound limitations and handicaps, estranged friendships or family members, past versions of yourself, and many other forms of loss. Grieving can be isolating and lonely, and there is no singular formula for making it through. A psychologist can help you find ways to grow around your grief, instead of having it consume you.


While it is normal to be wary of certain things and situations, having unfounded fears can be extremely debilitating. Working with someone equipped to handle such cases can give you insight into what is causing these fears, and moreover, how to reframe your thinking. Over time, you may be able to come up with specific strategies to ensure that whatever phobias you might have will no longer control your life.


One of the hallmark signs of depression is a feeling of helplessness, or even hopelessness. It could make you think that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Depression is not something you can simply snap out of, and a psychologist can help you validate this, without allowing you to fester in your negative ways of thinking. With enough work, therapy can assist you in identifying the things that bring you joy and make you feel more like yourself again.

Difficulty regulating emotions

Emotions and feelings are not final, and most people go through waves of ups and downs. It’s normal to even feel multiple contradicting things at once. But when these feelings escalate into extremes in ways that you find difficult to control, and end up interfering with your day-to-day, then this could be a cause for concern.





When you have experienced something traumatic, a default reaction may be to try to bury it as much as possible. But when you speak to a professional, they can help guide you through your trauma in a way that is productive and healing. Therapy can provide you with a safe, judgment-free space where you can discuss your innermost thoughts. And although healing is not linear, you will be able to identify what your triggers are and come up with solutions for dealing with them, together.

Sleep and appetite disturbances

Depression and anxiety can have profound effects on both your sleeping patterns and appetite. You could either be sleeping too much or not at all; binge eating or losing your appetite altogether. Consequently, this affects your physical health–and vice versa. When you are able to discover why this is so, you can come up with a routine that works in establishing better mental and physical habits.

Substance abuse

It’s tempting to turn to substances like drugs or alcohol when you are going through a difficult time. These seem like easy fixes, but they are merely temporary (and unhealthy) ways of coping. Moreover, they simply distract away from the root of your problems, and even cause more issues to manifest themselves. Substances offer instant gratification and may feel rewarding in the moment, but if you find yourself becoming dependent on them, it may be time for you to seek professional help. Remember that there is nothing to be ashamed of when you realize you need treatment–it’s actually extremely brave to be able to do so.

Disinterest in your regular routine

From time to time, it isn’t too concerning to feel burnt out or tired of your usual routine. However, if you notice patterns that this is happening way too often, to the point you losing interest altogether, it may be time for you to seek professional help. When you begin to alienate yourself from hobbies, routines, and even loved ones, a psychologist can tap into those feelings of apathy to pinpoint whatever may be holding you back.

Whether you find yourself relating to any of these signs, or simply want to strengthen your ability to cope with life’s everyday stressors and challenges, therapy is a great place to start. Therapy can help you contextualize emotions, name your feelings, and sharpen your mental clarity. When you commit to it and put in the work, you will discover that you have the power to create your own solutions by simply thinking out loud.

A lot of us spend so much time caught up in our heads, so it’s important to make sure that it’s a nice place to live in. Book a consultation with our psychologists today on mykindred.co and let us be your partner in holistic health!